"If Ché Guevara's body had been burned, it would have been noticed by the inhabitants of Vallegrande and by the nearly one hundred newsmen who maintained a constant vigil, day and night, in order not to lose a single detail of what was happening in the Señor de Malta Hospital and in the town as a whole. This leads one to believe that there was no cremation, or if there was, it was very far from Valle Grande. It is more logical to assume that the body was buried in an unknown location." |
"Shot, executed, murdered, or "finished off" --whatever particular personal interpretation is given to the facts-- there is a human truth which rises above any subjectivism: a man, a sick and wounded prisoner, was killed without any semblance of justice when he was in the hands of those whose duty it was to jealously guard his physical safety. Beyond any moral law and over and above any legal scruples, the truth is that an elementary rule of war had been violated; a prisoner is always sacred." |
October 12 - One of the surviving groups
is exterminated on the banks of the Mizque River. Moro (Octavio de la Concepción,
Cuban military doctor), Estaquio (Lucio Galván, Peruvian radio technician),
Chapaco (Jaime Arana Campero) and Pablito (Francisco Huanca Flores) fall
in battle. The other group, with six survivors, breaks the siege in El Naranjal, inflicting five casualties on the Army, and escaping the intense persecution. |
October 14 - The Cuban Mugamba, the Peruvian Eustaquio and the Bolivians Chapaco and Pablo are killed at Cajones. |
November 15 - Ñato (Julio Luis Méndez) falls near Mataral. |
November 15 - Ñato dies in Mataral; León identifies him. |
November 15 - After walking for fifteen days in an attempt to elude their pursuers, the group made up of Guido "Inti" Peredo, Urbano, Pombo, Benigno, Ñato and Darío are discovered in La Cabaña, near Mataral; Ñato is critically wounded in his spine, and he begs his comrades to finish him off. |
u October 18 - U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia,
Douglas Henderson, transmitted confirmation of Guevara’s death to
Washington. The evidence included autopsy reports, and fingerprint analysis
conducted on Che’s amputated hands. National Security Archive, Declassified 1997 by Peter Kornbluh |
December, 1967 to January,1968 - Inti Peredo and Urbano (Cuban capt. Leonardo Tamayo) arrive in Cochabamba and plans get under way for the rescue of the other survivors: Pombo, Benigno (Cuban capt. Dariel Alarcón) and Darío (David Adriázola). |
1968 |
February 22 - Pombo, Urbano and Benigno, the surviving Cuban guerrillas, arrive in Chile led by the Bolivian guides Efraín Quicañez and Estanislao Villca. They are received by Salvador Allende, a Senator at the time. |
June 1st - In Rio de Janeiro, Capt. Gary Prado Salmón survives an attempt on his life; Maj. Edward Westerhagen, from the German Federal Republic, is mistakenly murdered. Both men had been classmates at the General Staff School. |
July 1st - Ché Guevara's Bolivian Diary is published in Havana, with an introduction by Fidel Castro. |
July 18 - Antonio Arguedas Mendieta, Interior Minister for President Barrientos, escapes to Chile, after having secretly delivered a copy of Ché's Diary to Cuba, along with his hands and a death mask which Lieut. Col. Roberto Quintanilla, of the Cavalry Corps, had had made in Vallegrande. |
1969 |
April 27 - President René Barrientos Ortuño dies in a helicopter accident in Arque, Cochabamba. |
The President, Air Force General René Barrientos Ortuño, dies of burns incurred in an obscure helicopter accident in 1969. |
July 14 - Honorato Rojas, who had turned in Joaquín's column, is murdered in Santa Cruz by the National Liberation Army, reorganized by "Inti" Peredo, Juan Rodríguez G. Group. |
Fuentes |