Frederick Catherwood:
of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan, Harper & Bros.
-Incidents of Travel in Yucatan, Harper & Bros. 1843
-The Search For The Maya - The Story of Stephens & Catherwood - Victor
W. Von Hagen - Gordon & Cremonesi Editions. London, 1974
and Publications:
The Catherwood Project:
-The Catherwood
Project by Leandro Katz - Susana Torruella Leval - Review Magazine, issue
# 42, January/June 1990
-Mixed Blessings - New Art and Multicultural America - Lucy R. Lippard
-The New Press,
-SITEseeing - Travel and Tourism in Contemporary Art - Karin M. Higa -
Exhibition catalogue, The Whitney Museum of American Art, 1991
-The Catherwood Project by Leandro Katz - Susana Torruella Leval - Exhibition
catalogue essay, LightWork-Robert B. Menschel Gallery, January-March 1992
-Americas - Expo 92 - Exhibition catalogue with essays by Berta Sichel
and Susana Torruella, Pabellón de Andalucía, Monasterio
de Santa Clara, Moguer. Spain, August/September 1992.
-Cambio de Foco - Exhibition catalogue, text by Rachel Weiss, Biblioteca
Luis Angel Arango, Bogotá, Colombia, October/December, 1992.
-Cambio de Foco - Anteamérica,
Carolina Ponce de León.
-Recapturing History, Susana Torruella Leval The (Un)official Story in
Contemporary Latin American Art - College Art Association, Art Journal,
December 1992.
-Revisiting the Ruins, Cuauhtémoc Medina, Poliester Magazine, Mexico,
-Two Projects/A Decade, Exhibition catalogue with
essays by Julia P. Herzberg, Susana Torruella Leval, George Stuart
and Jorge Castañeda -El
Museo del Barrio, New York, 1996
-Two Projects/A Decade, Holland Cotter, The
New York Times, 1996
-Two Projects/A Decade, Ana Tiscornia, Art Nexus, June 1996
-Two Projects/A Decade, Frederick Ted Castle, Review Magazine, June 1996
-Two Projects/A Decade, Sarah Bayliss, Contemporary Art Maganize, Spring
-Two Projects/A Decade, Ann Albritton, Art Papers, June 1996
-Two Projects/A Decade, Christopher Phillips, Art In America, December
-Los Pliegues del Instante, Carlos Jiménez, Lapiz Magazine, March
-Cultural Memory = Cultural Survival, Susana Torruella Leval -Culture
Front Magazine,
-Rayuela, José Roca - Columna
de Arena, 2002
-The New World's Old World Edited by May Castleberry - University of New Mexico Press, 2003
-Readings in Latin American Art Patrick Frank, editor-Yale
University Press, 2004
-Cámara Emplumada - Exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural de España,
with essays by Jacqueline Barnitz, Cuauhtémoc Medina and Jesse
Lerner, Buenos Aires, 2007
Emplumada - Critic's
Picks, Artforum - Lori Cole, 2007
sobre los mayas - Ana María Battistozzi, Revista Ñ, # 30,
Cámara Emplumada - Rodrigo Alonso, Arte
al Día, Agosto 2007
-The Maya of Modernism - Jesse Lerner - University of New Mexico Press, 2011
-Incidents of Mirror Travel in Yucatan and Elsewhere - Pablo León de la Barra and Magali Arriola, editors - Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes - Mexico, 2011
-Archaeology and Photography - Frederick Bohrer, Exposures, 2012
-Photography en Abime -Rodrigo Alonso - Arte al Día International Pag.52 - Issue 142
-SITELINES - Unsettled Landscapes and The Catherwood Project- Margaret Randall - New Mexico Mercuy, 2014
-SITELINES - Viajes Pintorescos- Khristaan D. Villela - Santa Fe New Mexican, 2014
-University of New Mexico Press - The Catherwood Project - Leandro Katz / Jesse Lerner, 2018
-EXIT #79 - Metaphotography - Madrid, 2020
Selected Exhibitions:
- Museum of American Art, Downtown Branch - 'SITEseeing ' - 1991- New York
-Scott Alan Gallery - 'Dissimilar Identity ' - 1991 - New York
-LightWork, Robert B. Menschel Gallery - 'The Catherwood Project ' - Jeffrey Hoone, curator - 1992, Syracuse, New York
-Gallery 400 -‘Disorient’ - University of Illinois at Chicago, 1992
-Expo '92 - Pabellón de Andalucía, 'Americas ' - Berta Sichel, curator - 1992, España
-Biblioteca Nacional Arango - 'Cambio de Foco ' - Rachel Weiss, curator - 1992, Bogotá, Colombia
-El Museo del Barrio - 'Reclaiming History ' - Susana Torruella Leval, curator - 1994, New York
-Galería Nina Menocal - 'Dos Proyectos ' - 1994, Mexico City
-Museo del Barrio 'Two Projects/A Decade' - Julia P. Herzberg, curator - 1996, New York
-The Brooklyn Museum ‘A Spiritual Journey’ Photography in Latin America - 1996, New York
-Colegio de Arquitectos, Mes de la Fotografía - 1999 Quito, Ecuador
-Casa de la Cultura, Azogues -‘The Catherwood Project’ - Ecuador, 2000
-Museo Arqueológico, Guayaquil - 'The Catherwood Project ' - Ecuador, 2000
-Museo de los Metales, Cuenca -‘The Catherwood Project’ - Ecuador, 2000
-Museo de Loja - 'The Catherwood Project ' - Ecuador, 2000
-Miami University Art Museum - ‘Marking Time/Making Memory’ - Linnea S. Dietrich and Edna C. Southard, curators - Oxford, Ohio 2001
-University of Scranton and Marywood University - ‘Rayuela/Hopscotch’ - Robert Schweitzer, curator - Pennsylvania 2002
-AXA Gallery - ‘The New World's Old World’ - May Castleberry, curator -New York, 2003
-The University of New Mexico Museum - ‘The New World's Old World’ - May Castleberry, curator - Albuquerque, 2005
-Centro Cultural de España - 'Cámara Emplumada' - Esteban Álvarez, curator - Buenos Aires, 2007
-Museo Tamayo - ‘Incidentes de viaje espejo en Yucatán y otros lugares’ – Pablo León de la Barra, curator - México, 2011
-Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo – ‘La Idea de América Latina’ - Juan Antonio Álvarez Reyes and Berta Sichel, curators – España, 2012
-SITELINES - SITE Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 2014
-Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo – ‘La construcción social del paisaje’ - Spain, 2014
Canadien d'Architecture, Montreal, Canada
-The Brooklyn Museum, New York, NY
de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, MAMBA, Argentina
University of New Mexico Museum,
Albuquerque, NM
-El Museo del Barrio, New York
-Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporario MUAC, Universidad Nacional Autónoma
de México
-The Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection, New York
-Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Monasterio de la Cartuja de Santa María de Las Cuevas, Sevilla, Spain
-Perez Art Museum Miami - PAMM, Florida
-Museo de Arte de Lima - MALI, Perú
-Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Massachusetts
-Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires - MALBA
•Museum of Modern Art, New York
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